Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Open House and Our Boutique

Indian in the Cupboard inspired writing 
Open House. To teachers it is a time to celebrate our year. To parents it is a time to see which classroom is the best for next year. Nearly every year it leaves a sour feeling in my mouth. This year I decided to be proactive - I would make it ultra engaging for both parents and children. After about 15 minutes of our traditional open house (watch a slide show and then show your writings, art, projects and sculptures) our classroom boutique was open for business.

Projects, sculptures and business
shops in the background

I suppose I should back up for a second. Since about January we have had a classroom economy. It is your average everyday economy - you get paid for work/jobs, pay weekly rent, and get fined for infractions. Early on, I was approached by some very creative and entrepreneurial minded students about business and services that they would like to provide and be paid for. I filed their ideas in the back of my mind and finally one day caved. They could develop businesses.

Duct Tape bow
I swear kids should be a bigger part of company think tanks. They developed e-comic books, Duct Tape products, water pets, flower pens, and a game similar to Angry Birds. They were required to write a business proposal, make a "store front", advertise, make products, and keep track of inventory/sales. It was an awesome lesson in business and diversification.

On the evening of Open House, each family was given $50 in classroom money to spend at our boutique. I was amazed by how dynamic my children were - even the most painfully shy ones! They hawked their products like pros. The evening captured the best of both our academic accomplishments and our creative thinking. It also kept everyone engaged and focused. I don't think I'll ever host a traditional Open House again!

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute idea! I love your writing display and their business ideas sound amazing!!
